A little embarrassing fact about the 1980’s

Duran Duran music A View to a Kill album

Remember when looking like this seemed normal?

You got to love it.

Because only now, forty years on is it safe to relive the 80s. We can hop on the nostalgia train, reminisce and laugh, and secretly be glad that we’ve moved on.

Or have we?

My novel is set in 1986, when all those poofy clothes, big hair, and shameless dance moves were all the rage. “Rad” was in. “Bodacious” was groovy. We looked fly and fresh (or so we thought). But who says these words now? We believe the eighties are no more, and as adults, we’ve buried our innocent childhood secrets deep, down inside, thinking they will never surface again. But rest assured (or be very afraid), the eighties are only a fast google search away.

At the time, I hated the eighties growing up, but somehow, I’m being drawn back to it with my books. It’s fun to watch eighties vintage pop on youtube and read all the comments from either kids or adults today, remembering how much either their dads or they love(d) this music, respectively. I had a hard time choosing which songs would show up in my books. I was lucky, though. I had a character named Lisa, who is 16 in 1986 and loved her walkman. It gave me a chance to figure out which songs or pop stars I hated, or (embarrassingly) loved back then — I’m thinking of you, Lionel Richie. The song A View to a Kill by Duran Duran is available right now in all its glory to listen to if you click on this Youtube link. It’s all there. Only one click away.

But don’t worry, there are many more videos like it posted on the internet. Many. Many. More.

Check them out.

The eighties are back


The 80s are calling


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